Cental Classic voor aanpassing ENG

Registration form

Central Classics vintage motorcycle and moped fair in the heart of the Netherlands, in the halls of Expo Houten Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 December 2025

Set-up of stands

Friday 19 December
from 14:00 to 19:00. (unload and drive away immediately, do not set up first) All doors will open and close as soon as all cars, buses, trailers are out of the hall
Saturday 20 December
from 07:30 to 08:30 in exceptional cases and only in consultation, all cars, trailers and buses must be out by 09:00 at the latest, fair opens to the public at 10:00.
Sunday 21 December
no set-up (open to exhibitors at 09:00)

Take-down of stands

Sunday 21 December.
All doors will open at 16:00 and will close again at 19:00. Everyone must then have finished cleaning up.


Vul u naam in

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Vul uw adres in

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Vul een geldig e-mailadres in

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All goods brought in must be directly related to motorcycles or mopeds from 1990 or earlier.
All goods outside this category must be removed at the first request of the fair's organization.

You order at least 1 stand space. (This concerns a ground space of 3.50 x 1.80 meters. You can order tables on this if necessary.)
You order at least 1 stand holder card. Every person at your stand space needs a participant card (except
ladies, who are also free at stand holders. But there is always at least 1 paying person per stand).
You order electricity if necessary (limited availability). As a stand holder, you receive 1 free parking card for the inner area.

Kies minimaal een standplaats en deelnemerskaart

Kies aantal

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Table not included

Geef aantal plaatsen aan

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(3.50m wide x approx. 1.80m deep) Only if PR is made on the website, magazine and/or Facebook.

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(3.50m wide x approx. 1.80m deep) Only if PR is made on the website, magazine and/or Facebook.

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Kies het aantla deelnemerskaarten. Minimaal 1

Kies het aantal deelnemerskaarten. Minimaal 1

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(Please note, tables are always in combination with at least 1 stand space.)

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Vul in wat u meebrengt

There are a limited number of places available for the choices marked with a #.

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€ 0,00 Invalid Input

On the Central Classics website there will be an overview of the participants with a link to their possible websites.
Please check here if and with which (filled in above) data you want to be listed in that overview:

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On the Central Classics website there will be an overview of the participants with a link to their possible websites. Please check here if and with which (filled in above) data you want to be listed in that overview:

Voor beursbezoekers is er een plattegrond met een overzicht van deelnemers. Wilt u hierop vermeld staan?

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